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Price increase with effect 01st January 2024
We haven't increased our prices for over 2 years but sadly we now have to do so. As we have all been experiencing, inflation has been particularly high in the past 18 months and this has now hit my business. We have had increased cost of fuel whilst visiting the bees and other incidental materials. However, it is the cost of the glass jars, lids and labels that has skyrocketed. I have just bought a pallet of jars & lids and the increase on the previous order is 31%! In order to remain profitable I now need to increase the...
Summer flowers all at once...
The summer nectar flow began in the second week of June and everything seems to have bloomed at once! Clover, lime trees, blackberry, thistles, knapweed, chestnut and numerous other sources for the bees to forage on. Unfortunately we have had very little rain so the flowers are drying up and not much nectar has been produced. This means the summer flow will probably finish early, possibly even in the next couple of weeks. Honey bee on knapweed Field of thistles in bloom near Maidenhead apiary. Borage in bloom
Honey Stand at Royal Windsor Rose & Horticultural Society Show
Good Spring Crop 2023
The bees have arrived - Burnham apiary